The BBC has published a new report about Taylor Swift. The concert prompted authorities in Edinburgh, Scotland to transport homeless people by taxi to other cities.
Taylor Swift will hold a three-day concert at Edinburgh’s Murrayfield Stadium on June 7, 8 and 9. A large number of visitors are renting accommodation to watch this event.
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The charity Shelter Scotland said Taylor Swift’s performance had left homeless people in “direct competition” with tourists who also needed hotels. Social activists described the authorities’ decision as “blatant injustice.”
Shelter Scotland director Alison Watson said, “In Edinburgh that emergency now places people experiencing homelessness in direct competition with tourists; a blatant injustice.”
“Our frontline services are already seeing people in need of a bed tonight being told their only option is to leave of the city.
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“A family going through the trauma of homelessness in Edinburgh should not have to move miles from their job, school, and community to find emergency accommodation.“
In turn, the City of Edinburgh Council assured that it is working with the victims to find suitable alternative housing.
It is clarified that homeless people are sent by taxi to Aberdeen, Glasgow, and Newcastle.
Due to Taylor’s event, all the hotels around the city are already booked and people are paying around £330 for a night in those hotels.
Many people have not been able to arrange any kind of hotel accommodation and there is a lot of criticism about this through various social media.