Nicole Kidman stole the show at the Venice Film Festival, where she attended the premiere of the film “Bad Girl,” directed by Halina Raine. Nicole Kidman in a corset dress received a 7-minute standing ovation at the premiere in Venice.
Nicole Kidman, 57, graced the red carpet wearing a designer outfit. She looked extraordinarily beautiful in this attire. She paired a beige-colored coat with an asymmetrical top and a black, flowing, floor-length skirt that complemented her appearance perfectly.
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The dress perfectly highlighted her slim figure. She completed the look with pearl earrings and suede high heels, and her hair was styled in loose waves.
The audience, including the jury and festival guests, was deeply impressed with the performances of Kidman and Antonio Banderas, who played the roles of a deceived husband.
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The film tells the story of a company director (played by Kidman). A relationship with a young intern risks everything, according to Deadline, to high praise from the crowd.
Kidman told, “This is one woman’s story, and I hope a very liberating story. It’s told by a woman through her gaze… and that’s to me what made it so unique was that suddenly I was going to be in the hands of a woman with this material and it was very deep to share those things and very freeing.”
Reijn agreed, adding, “I was delighted to be able to make a film about feminine desire, but it’s also about an existential crisis, it has many layers.” At the core, she said, the film is “about the question, Can I love myself in all my different layers?” which she hopes will function as “a tribute to self-love and liberation.”