Country singer Morgan Myles recently shared a humorous and unexpected twist to her engagement story. What began as a normal day quickly turned into a moment of panic when she mistook her boyfriend’s marriage proposal for a house fire.
In an interview with People, Myles explained that on June 14, she was heading home when her mother mentioned that a neighbor had spotted police officers near their house. Morgan, who had left an old washing machine running, immediately feared the worst—a fire. Panicked, she rushed inside to check on things.
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But instead of finding a disaster, she was met with a different kind of surprise.
“I see Taylor holding flowers and standing in the backyard. I’m like, ‘What the hell?’ I can’t even process it. I’m stunned. My heart is racing,” Myles recalled.
“I’m hearing Céline Dion blasting,” she adds. “The only thing I hear from Taylor is just, ‘Will you…’ I still stick to the fact that he didn’t say anything. He’s on one knee, and I go, ‘Wait.’ I couldn’t process. So I was like, ‘Wait, are we not going to the birthday party?’ And he goes, ‘Babe, you got to say yes. You got to give me an answer.’ I’m like, ‘Well, yes, of course.'”
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She concludes, “What a s—show from my end. [But] it was really cute.”
Despite the shock factor, Myles knew an engagement with Place was fast approaching: “A big reason why I think he proposed sooner than I thought was because he can’t keep a secret to save his life and I love that. I mean, marry a man that can’t keep anything from you.”
Morgan and her fiancé, Taylor Place, were introduced by a mutual friend in 2023. Although she wasn’t initially looking to start a relationship, they quickly grew close. Now, they plan to get married in October of next year.